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Fourrts Erytrofil Syrup

Original price was: ₹220.00.Current price is: ₹165.00.

Fourrts Erytrofil Homeopathy Syrup for debility due to Iron deficiency, in anemic conditions due to worm infestations, hemorrhages in pregnancy, viral fevers & DUB (Dysfunctional Uterine Bleedings)



Natural homeopathic haematinic for all ages

Fourrts Erytrofil Homeopathy Syrup for debility due to Iron deficiency, in anemic conditions due to worm infestations, hemorrhages in pregnancy, viral fevers & DUB (Dysfunctional Uterine Bleedings)

Complete collection of homeopathy blood builder medicines for iron deficiency, and anemia here

Indications of Fourrts Erytrofil (Iron Tonic)

  • Corrects Anaemia due to blood loss.
  • Fulfils increase the natural demand for Iron in pregnancy.
  • Aids absorption of Iron from food.
  • Improves appetite.
  • Normalizes hemoglobin level of blood.
  • No side effects.


  • Ferrum Metallicum 6C 2% v/v
  • Ferrum Phosphoricum 3x 5% v/v
  • Ferrum Aceticum 6x 1% v/v
  • Asparagus Officinalis Q 2% v/v
  • Zincum Metallicum 6C 1% v/v
  • Acidum Citricum 3x 1% v/v

The Action of Ingredients in Fourrts Erytrofil (Iron Tonic)

Ferrum Metallicum: Helpful for body weakness due to illness.

Ferrum phosphoricum:  It helps to increase hemoglobin by improving the appetite

Ferrum Aceticum: It gives good results in complaints of weakness, loss of energy, and stamina. Puffiness of the face, emaciation, and weakness mark the action for this remedy.

Asparagus Officinalis: It is helpful in weakness and lack of energy.

Zincum Metallicum: For affections, Twitchings, Pain, Convulsions, pale face, Weak memory, and Very sensitivity to noise.

Acidum Citricum: Acidum Citricum helps in iron absorption. It is beneficial in curing anemia, and very effective in curing body weakness.


Adults: 10ml 3 times a day 1 hour before meals.

Children: 5ml 3 times a day 1 hour before meals.

Presentation: 200ml

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