Natural homeopathic haematinic for all ages
Fourrts Erytrofil Homeopathy Syrup for debility due to Iron deficiency, in anemic conditions due to worm infestations, hemorrhages in pregnancy, viral fevers & DUB (Dysfunctional Uterine Bleedings)
Complete collection of homeopathy blood builder medicines for iron deficiency, and anemia here
Indications of Fourrts Erytrofil (Iron Tonic)
- Corrects Anaemia due to blood loss.
- Fulfils increase the natural demand for Iron in pregnancy.
- Aids absorption of Iron from food.
- Improves appetite.
- Normalizes hemoglobin level of blood.
- No side effects.
- Ferrum Metallicum 6C 2% v/v
- Ferrum Phosphoricum 3x 5% v/v
- Ferrum Aceticum 6x 1% v/v
- Asparagus Officinalis Q 2% v/v
- Zincum Metallicum 6C 1% v/v
- Acidum Citricum 3x 1% v/v
The Action of Ingredients in Fourrts Erytrofil (Iron Tonic)
Ferrum Metallicum: Helpful for body weakness due to illness.
Ferrum phosphoricum: It helps to increase hemoglobin by improving the appetite
Ferrum Aceticum: It gives good results in complaints of weakness, loss of energy, and stamina. Puffiness of the face, emaciation, and weakness mark the action for this remedy.
Asparagus Officinalis: It is helpful in weakness and lack of energy.
Zincum Metallicum: For affections, Twitchings, Pain, Convulsions, pale face, Weak memory, and Very sensitivity to noise.
Acidum Citricum: Acidum Citricum helps in iron absorption. It is beneficial in curing anemia, and very effective in curing body weakness.
Adults: 10ml 3 times a day 1 hour before meals.
Children: 5ml 3 times a day 1 hour before meals.
Presentation: 200ml
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