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Clinical Observations Of Children’S Remedies

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Do you know what is the best way to know about a child? The answer is – by keen OBSERVATION(an art), Homeopathy being the amalgam of Science & Art. But what to be observed should also be known- normal and abnormal. A young child is incapable to remember or communicate the facts and experiences often essential for evaluation, so it’s a physician’s task to make use of what he can observe himself.

This book is the outcome of 23 years of experience of Dr Farokh J. Master answering all your queries. The symptoms in this book are not like a standard materia medica based on proving but they are based purely on experience and clinical observation of the author.

Part 1 covers all the aspects starting from behavior, case taking, observation, physical examination of the children.

Part 2 contains skills in treating the newborn.

Part 3 deals with the medicines part. 79 remedies are discussed in detail in this book. Each remedy is divided under two main heads; identifying features and other important symptoms which in turn are divided into mental and physical symptoms. ‘Mental symptoms’ are put under identifying features as it is easy to understand a child by his striking mental traits. These symptoms are extracted from the psycho analysis of children, family pattern, state of mind of mother during pregnancy, labor lactation etc.

The symptoms in bold are Keynote symptoms, that is, they identify only that remedy and not any other remedy.

A must have Homeopathic Paediatric book. Carry as a bedside companion and see the magic!
The book Clinical Observations of Childrens Remedies is the outcome of 23 years of experience of Dr Farokh J. Master. The symptoms in this book are not like a standard materia medica based on proving but they are based purely on experience and clinical observation of the author. 76 remedies are discussed in detail in this book.

Each remedy is divided under two main heads; identifying features and other important symptoms which inturn are divided into mental and physical symptoms. Mental symptoms are put under identifying features as it is easy to understand a child by his striking mental traits. These symptoms are extracted from the psycho analysis of children, family pattern, state of mind of mother during pregnancy, labor lactation etc. other important symptoms contain clinical and pathological data including physical examination and investigatory findings. The symptoms in bold are Keynote symptoms, that is, they identify only that remedy and not any other remedy.


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