Showing all 7 results

  • Homoeopathic Therapeutics

    Original price was: ₹645.00.Current price is: ₹612.00.
  • Index 234 Homoeopathic Therapeutics

    Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹213.00.

    It is treasure of information of common remedies for difficult clinical conditions and rare medicines used for common clinical conditions. His rich experience and deeper knowledge of the Materia medica is well reflected in this clinical indexing.

  • Leaders In Homoeopathic Therapeutics With Grouping And Classifications

    Original price was: ₹325.00.Current price is: ₹300.00.

    Nash covers over 200 remedies which have been enriched with various comparisons, cases and potency advises given at various places. A masterly work, the treatise is expected to serve as an invaluable guide to effective remedy application by studying the distinctly peculiar characteristics of each remedy in comparison with others.

  • Mother Tinctures therapeutics

    Original price was: ₹195.00.Current price is: ₹166.00.
  • Select Your Remedy (Revised and Enlarged)(29th Revised and Updated Edition, October 2021)


    The popularity of this book and its appreciation among students of Homeopathy . For the better understanding of the subject, the matter has been rearranged and some additions have been done. Trustees are happy to place before you the hard and continuous efforts of Rai Bahadur Bishamber Das in the form of this book. ‘Select Your Remedy’ contains the essence of Homeopathic Literature. It is a treatise of forty-five years of practical experience of the author, a well known and popular figure of his time in Homoeopathy. Convinced by the efficiency of Homeophathic system and its usefulness the author has planned this book in a way so as to make Homeopathy easily understandable and within the reach of all. This book follows the pattern of a ‘Repertory’ of Homeopathic-Materia Medica. The presentation is simple as such serves as ‘Homeopathy made Easy’. At the same time it is a ‘Useful Guide for Practitioners of Homeo-System of Medicine’. Presentation is from head to foot.A classic on Homeopathy, ‘Select Your Remedy’ has earned universal acclaim not only in India but also abroad and is now available in Hindi also, lt is advised to consult Boericke’s Matheria Medica also for detailed study and to understand which medicines follow well, which are inimical. To make best use of this book READ every word of the PROLOGUE by Rai Bahadur Bishamber Das very carefully and digest it. Contents: Preface, Prologue by Bishambar Das, Some Testimonies, Types of Constitutions, Selection of Potency,

  • The Therapeutics Of Cancer

    Original price was: ₹249.00.Current price is: ₹215.00.
  • Wonder World of Mother Tincture in Homeopathy with Therapeutics

    Original price was: ₹249.00.Current price is: ₹225.00.

    The mother tinctures have been a starting point, the mother source of all potencies in Homeopathy because they are well effective hands-on medicine; result oriented in acute diseases where results are needed faster and its quickness of prescribing without hesitancy is cherry on the top.

    Mother tinctures are well grounded and dependable and one of the most reliable medicines to use even in chronic cases of diabetes, hypertension, asthma etc. and Rauwolfia’s wonderful effect on blood pressure is known all over the world.

    Mother tinctures give a freedom of generalisation and people are inclined to receive faster results and instant relief, for it, this is a book that fulfils this requirement and provide instant prescription. This book was a long awaited work in Homeopathy. It is valuable as therapeutics and a treasure of experience has been added to it.

    This work of Dr. Kanodia contains Materia Medica of more than 500 MOTHER TINCTURES with the directions about dosage and repetition. It attempts to present a catalogue of remedies for immediate outcomes in clinical practice without undermining the classical prescription.